General Information


2340 Clermont Center Dr.
Suite 100
Batavia, OH 45103

Phone:  513-732-7696
Fax:  513-732-7695

Directions:  The Juvenile Court is located on Clermont Center Drive which is off of Bauer Road approximately a 1/2 mile North of the intersection of Bauer Road and S.R. 32.    Click to get Map

Hours:  Monday thru Friday  8:00 am to 4:00 pm.- Window is closed for lunch from 11:45-12:45

The Court will be closed for the following holidays in 2025:

Holiday Date
 New Year’s Day January 1st
 Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 20th
 President’s Day February 17th
 Memorial Day May 26th
Juneteenth June 19th
 Independence Day July 4th
 Labor Day September 1st
 Columbus Day October 13th
 Veterans Day November 11th
 Thanksgiving November 28th
 Christmas Day December 25th